Thirteen Reasons why it’s Time for a Raise – #2 A higher federal minimum wage leads to lower employee turnover

A 2005 study showed that when San Francisco raised their minimum wage to $8.50 an hour, at the time one of the highest wages in the nation, employees were more likely to remain employed for longer periods of time. Moderate increases in the federal minimum wage result in lower employee separation: meaning lower turnover.  

Letter to Gov. Mike Huckabee

November 3rd, 2015   Dear Governor Huckabee,   Over the past year, there have been advances in wages for workers. Many cities and states have increased their minimum wages providing millions of impoverished of Americans with a long-overdue raise. But at the federal level, progress is nonexistent. Because of party infighting, futile “Obamacare” repeal efforts […]

Letter to Gov. Jim Gilmore

November 3rd, 2015 Dear Governor Gilmore,   Over the past year, there have been advances in wages for workers. Many cities and states have increased their minimum wages providing millions of impoverished of Americans with a long-overdue raise. But at the federal level, progress is nonexistent. Because of party infighting, futile “Obamacare” repeal efforts and […]

Don’t you think it’s time for a raise?

Thirty million Americans are making less today, adjusted for inflation, than they did 45 years ago in 1968! If the 1968 minimum wage grew with inflation, it would be $10.67 today. Unfortunately the federal minimum wage is a miserly $7.25.  According to the Economic Policy Institute, U.S. CEOs of major companies earned 18.3 times more […]